Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Getting Into It

In the Intro class we are finishing up our first project of the year which will be due on September 15.  We will be starting to do some found-object art next week and discussing concepts like appropriation, collage and assemblage.  We will look at the work of artists such as Louise Nevelson, Jasper Johns and (in particular) Robert Rauschenberg.  The students will be scavenging their homes for materials that they feel represent who they are.

The Drawing and Painting students (and Advanced Drawing and Painting) are finishing up value studies right now and will continue to work on figure drawing.  We will look at the depiction of the figure in art history including the ancient Egyptians and 20th century American Regionalist Painters like Thomas Hart Benton, John Steuart Curry and Grant Wood.

In Ceramics, the kids are wrapping up coil constructions and will be starting a new project in the new week.  We also discussed and watched a video about the native American artist Maria Martinez.