Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ibiyinka Alao at MHS

On Wednesday October 6, we were honored to host Ibiyinka Alao, the Nigerian Ambassador for Art at MHS.  Here are some links to articles and websites for more information.



Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ibiyinka Alao

The Nigerian Ambassador for Art was visiting MMA recently and we were invited to bring a few students over. (see the pictures)

Now Mr. Alao is visiting MHS and we are thrilled to have him do a presentation and a workshop with our students on Wednesday, October 6.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Getting Into It

In the Intro class we are finishing up our first project of the year which will be due on September 15.  We will be starting to do some found-object art next week and discussing concepts like appropriation, collage and assemblage.  We will look at the work of artists such as Louise Nevelson, Jasper Johns and (in particular) Robert Rauschenberg.  The students will be scavenging their homes for materials that they feel represent who they are.

The Drawing and Painting students (and Advanced Drawing and Painting) are finishing up value studies right now and will continue to work on figure drawing.  We will look at the depiction of the figure in art history including the ancient Egyptians and 20th century American Regionalist Painters like Thomas Hart Benton, John Steuart Curry and Grant Wood.

In Ceramics, the kids are wrapping up coil constructions and will be starting a new project in the new week.  We also discussed and watched a video about the native American artist Maria Martinez.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Supplies, Supplies, Supplies

I've given the students a couple of different lists.

First, all of my students need a sketchbook.  It needs to be approximately 8.5" X 11" and should be built in such a way that pages won't fall out.  The options are:  (1) a spiral bound sketchbook which can be found at stores such as Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Target, Michael's, Hobby Lobby etc. (2) a 1/2" or 1" three ring binder which we can add paper to once at school or (3) a folder that has the three prongs in it that we can add paper to.

Second, all students will need wood cased pencils. (Yes, the old-fashioned kind.)  I'll provide them with one, but they will most likely need more than that.

The drawing and painting  and advanced drawing and painting students also need masking tape and a tool box (tackle box).

The list that was included in the letter (plastic bags, facial tissue, etc.) are things that we can use, but are by no means compulsory items.  They would be more along the lines of donations to the class.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Letter to Parents

The following is a letter that will be/has been sent home on the first day of school.

August 25, 2010

Parents and Guardians:

It is always an exciting time when we get to start a new school year. I am looking forward to this year, the learning that will occur, the relationships that will form and even the challenges that will arise.

Beyond covering the nuts and bolts of the curriculum, it is our goal for each student to become visually literate (to cope with this increasingly visual world), to become intellectual and creative risk-takers, and find out about his/her self, each other, his/her culture and the culture of others. I believe that art, of all types, is a critical lens through which students will view the world, understand culture and make meaning from their experiences. Also, nurturing creativity is necessary to promote their success in an ever-changing society and economy. One of the individuals that I model my teaching philosophy after is an author named Sir Ken Robinson who said, “My contention is that creativity is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.”

There are some ways that we can all help. First, each student has been given a list of supplies (embedded in the course syllabus) they will need. I have kept this list as minimal as possible, however, if your student is going to have trouble getting these supplies, they can feel free to talk to me and we will work something out. In addition, there are some things that we can always use in the classroom. So if you would like to help out by sending any of these items to school with your student, it would be appreciated.

  • plastic shopping bags
  • facial tissue
  • magazines
  • scraps of fabric
  • used comic books (please don't send anything that you want returned)
  • small plastic containers such as film canisters, clean plastic jars with lids etc.
  • other items, that you would otherwise throw away that you think we may have a use for.
I look forward to working with all of you and your students. You will be able to keep up to date with what is happening in class via our blog at www.mexicohighschoolart1.blogspot.com. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at the high school via e-mail at bellebracht@mexico.k12.mo.us or by phone at 581-4296.

Thank you,

Brad Ellebracht
Art Department
Mexico High School

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Start of a New School Year.

We are busy unpacking supplies and getting the classroom ready to start another school year. 

As we go through this year, communincation is going to be a key to success.  Hopefully, this blog helps that communication.  I will try to keep it updated regularly so that everyone can see what is happening in the Intro to Visual Arts, Ceramics and Painting and Drawing classes.

I look forward to working with everyone this year.